Almost 15 years from the day that I sold my first agency, Middleberg & Associates, I am delighted to announce…
I love people who make me think by seeing the world in a different way. Herb Meyer is one of…
Monday evening BuzzFeed reported that Emil Michael, Uber’s Sr. VP for Business Development, discussed at a private dinner his plans for…
Based on so many comments I’ve seen from media pundits, editorial page writers, businessmen and women and most…
Today’s New York Times advertising column penned by the inimitable Stuart Elliott, reports on how the Council of PR Firms is…
A few weeks ago I told 20 CEOs, who belong to my networking group, C2C, that The Eagles were my…
As the former President of the American Suicide Foundation — now called the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention ( — I…
At 20, you care what everyone is thinking about you. At 40, you don’t give a damn what people are thinking…
Normally right around this time I send out a “Year in Review.” However, this year I’d like to send out…
Social Media is changing seemingly on a daily basis. So some quick thoughts to get across at the start of…